Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Should've Gone to Law School Instead

Okay, okay, I admit that I'm in that .05% of the population who's actually had good experiences with lawyers, but that's mainly because I'm always right, and they're smart enough to choose to be on my side. But this latest lawyer, the one who shall remain nameless because, hello, he's a lawyer? You know that one? Well, he sucks. While the intellectual in me rarely makes an appearance, that part of me popped out long enough to recognize that he gave me his honest opinion, blah, blah, blah. But what the hell?! I gave this man $300 so that he could tell me "No"? Shouldn't he be telling me a little more of what I want to hear? Gracious! Any one of my 4 children would've told me NO for free!

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